Label 1

Present Continuous Pengertian dan Penjelasan Lengkap

Well hello learners pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai PRESENT CONTINOUS, fungsi PRESENT CONTINOUS , contoh PRESENT CONTINOUS, rumus PRESENT CONTINOUS serta soal latihan PRESENT CONTINOUS, yang mana akan menambah pengetahuan kita semua .


Present Continuous

1 ) Fungsi Present Continuous

  • Untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sedang terjadi
contoh : She is drinking a glass of coffee
              They are playing football at the field
              My niece is waiting for you now
              The farmers are harvesting at their rice field
  • Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang benar-benar akan di lakukan pada saat tertentu
contoh : I am picking up my brother at 2 pm tomorrow
              The Waitress is preparing the main menu tonight
              Doni is completing his assignment 2 days later
              The Professor is explaining his new subject matter tomorrow morning
  • Untuk menyatakan suatu kondisi yang berangsur-angsur berubah
contoh : Your ability is getting better and better and better
              The total amount of Indonesia population is increasing rapidly
              Nowadays Criminal Cases are dominating in some countries
              Your English is improving

  • Untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang berulang-ulang, biasa nya mengandung makna jengkel, bisa juga rasa kagum
contoh : Doni is always asking my money that's why i hate him
              The new students  are always giving their money to the poor people

              He is always studying at night before sleeping
              They are always disturbing us wherever we are
  • Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan yang bersifat sementara 
contoh : She is living at Florida at this moment
              The temperature is getting hotter and hotter

2 ) Rumus Present Continuous

+ ) S + (is,am,are) + + O
-  ) S + (is,am,are) + not + + O
? ) (is,am,are)  + S + + O 
-?) (is,am,are) + Not + + O

contoh : They are chasing a robber
              I am not finishing my assignment now
              Is He visiting his nephew?
              Isn't the Informant giving fake news?

3 ) Time Signal Present Continuous

  • Still
  • This morning
  • This afternoon
  • Tonight
  • Now
  • Next week
  • Next month
  • Soon
  • At this time
  • In a few days

4 ) Soal latihan Present Continuous

  • Chose The Correct Word!

1 ) She (is,am,are) eating a lot of candies now
2 ) I (is,am,are) still thinking about the accident 
3 ) They (is,am,are) buying a luxury car for their beloved mother
4 ) Doni and Dodi (is,am,are) playing football at the field right now
5 ) They are (go,goes,going) to buy a new house next year
6 ) Doni is (plant,plants,planting) a mango in front of his house
7 ) Doni and Dodi are (arrive,arrives,arriving) at Jakarta tomorrow morning
8 ) You are (don't/not) kidding
9 ) I'm (don't/not) doing my best
10 ) She is (doesn't/not) trying to get a new experience
11 ) (is,am,are) He driving his new car?
12)  (is,am,are) Doni going to Jakarta now
13 ) (is,am,are) They Lying
14 ) (is,am,are) He Drinking a glass of beer
15 ) The beggar is begging at the edge of the street (yesterday/now)
16 ) The new student is getting into trouble (at this time/2 days ago)
17 ) The puppy is getting hungry (a long time ago/right now)
18 ) John is picking up his mother in France (last time/at the 2nd of November) 
19 ) What  (is,am,are) Doni and Dodi doing at the school?
20 ) What  (is,am,are) Sinta cooking at the hotel?

Translate These Sentences!

21 ) Mereka sedang bermain catur di halaman depan 
22 ) Saya tidak sedang menonton TV pagi ini di rumah paman ku
23 ) Salsa sedang menjemput ayah angkat nya sekarang
24 ) Dokter gigi itu sedang memeriksa gigi sepupu saya sore ini
25 ) Apakah para nelayan sedang memancing ikan di pantai dekat rumah mu?
26 ) Apakah guru baru itu sedang mengajar matematika di kelas 7 malam ini?
27 ) Bukankah Anton sedang bermain PS di rumah Raka sekarang?
28 ) Bukankah mereka sedang berdiskusi tentang permasalahan di sekolah kita?
29 ) Penjual itu tidak sedang menjual dagangan nya siang ini di pasar
30 ) Para pekerja sedang menikmati makan siang mereka di restoran nya agus

Nah bagaimana learners apakah sudah mengerti fungsi dari PRESENT CONTINOUS?

Nah bagaimana learners apakah sudah mengerti apa fungsi dan juga rumus PRESENT CONTINUOUS? sampai jumpa di pelajaran selanjut nya.


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