Label 1

Simple Present Pengertian dan Penjelasan Lengkap

 Well hello learners pada hari ini kita akan mempelajari lebih dalam mengenai SIMPLE PRESENT, fungsi dari SIMPLE PRESENT, rumus SIMPLE PRESENT, time signal SIMPLE PRESENT, contoh SIMPLE PRESENT serta latihan soal SIMPLE PRESENT secara lengkap.


             Simple present

1 ) Fungsi dan Contoh simple present

  • Menyatakan habitual action, ( kegiatan yang dilakukan setiap hari/rutinitas sehari-hari ) 
contoh : She always gets up in the morning at 09.00 am
              They usually go to school at 07.00 am
              My father never comes late at his office
              I always remind him about his assignment
  • Menyatakan general truth ( kebenaran umum )
contoh : Cristiano Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world
              The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
               Jokowi dodo comes from Solo
              Vegetarians don't eat meat

  • Menyatakan kemampuan atau watak seseorang
contoh : She is good at English
              He is greedy enough
              They are bad at cooking
              Doni doesn't speak English fluently
  • Di gunakan untuk headline ( judul berita ) dalam surat kabar atau /majalah
contoh : The Victims of Airplane Crash Get Seriously Injured
              Criminal Cases at Papua hasn't been Solved By The Police
              The Final of UCL 2020/2021 
              Indonesia Import a lot of cotton from China
  • Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang telah terjadwal 
contoh : The Plane takes off at 09.00 pm
              I have a holiday tomorrow
              My father picks me up tomorrow at 02.00 pm
              Doni holds a party on Wednesday
  • Di gunakan untuk kalimat imperative ( kalimat perintah )
contoh: Shut the window!
             Don't disturb us!
             Get away fro me!
             Close your eyes!

2 ) Rumus Simple Present Verbal

+ ) S + V1 + (s/es) + O + Adv
-  ) S + Don't/Doesn't +  V1  + O + Adv
? ) Do/Does + S +  V1  + O + Adv
-?) Don't/Doesn' + S +  V1  + O + Adv    

contoh : + ) You give me a red pen
              -  ) You don't give me a red pen
              ? ) Do you give me a red pen?
            - ?)  Don't you give me a red pen? 
              + ) She brings a new book today
              -  ) She doesn't bring a new book today
              ? ) Does She bring a new book today
            - ?)  Doesn't She bring a new book today

3 ) Rumus Simple Present Nominal

+ ) S + is,am,are + Complement
-  ) S + is,am,are +  not + Complement
?  ) Is,am,are + S +  not + Complement
-? ) Is,am,are + not +  S + Complement

Contoh : She is at Hospital
               She is not at Hospital
               Is She at Hospital?
               Is not She at Hospital?

4 ) Time Signal Simple Present ( keterangan waktu yang biasanya di gunaka pada Simple Present )

  • Usually
  • Generally
  • Normally
  • Seldom 
  • Never
  • Often
  • Occasionally
  • Frequently
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Everyday
  • Every week
  • Every month
  • Every year
  • Twice a week

5 ) Soal Latihan Simple Present

Chose The Correct Word!

1 ) They ( study/studies ) at my home
2 ) The Fisherman ( fish/fishes ) in the sea every day
3 ) We ( do/don't ) know the real answer
4 ) She ( does/doesn't ) come today
5 ) He ( try/tries ) to learn a new thing every day
6 ) Does She ( have/has ) a new magazine?
7 ) Do You ( visit/visits ) his home?
8 ) I ( is,am,are ) lazy to attend the party
9 ) They ( is,am,are ) at the Caffe
10 ) She ( is,am,are ) friendly
11 ) We ( is,am,are ) starving
12 ) ( is,am,are ) She at home?
13 ) ( is,am,are ) You smart enough to solve this problem?
14 ) ( is,am,are ) Dodi a clever student?
15 ) ( is,am,are ) Dodi and Doni Your friends?
16 ) She always ( cry/cries/crys ) at night
17 ) The Fly ( fly/flies/flys ) through the window
18 ) ( is,am,are ) They, Your best friends
19 ) ( She/They ) goes to a party every night
20 ) ( She/They ) Invites me to the party.

Translate These Sentences!

21 ) Raka mengunjungi ibu nya setiap pagi 
22 ) Mereka tidak pernah mengerjakan tugas mereka
23 ) Dia perempuan selalu menikmati sarapan sebelum pergi ke sekolah
24 ) Pengacara itu selalu bertanya kepada ayah ku tentang kejadian itu
25 ) Saya jarang mengendarai sepeda motor ketika berangkat sekolah
26 ) Apakah kamu sering membeli novel baru 2 minggu sekali?
27 ) Apakah pelukis itu selalu melukis lukisan yang sama setiap pagi nya?
28 ) Apakah penipu itu selalu menipu keluarga mu?
29 ) Para tentara biasa nya melakukan upacara seminggu sekali di lapangan
30 ) Apakah teman sekamar mu tidak pernah membantu mu mengerjakan tugas mu?

Baca Juga

Nah bagaimana learners apakah sudah mengerti apa itu simple present beserta contoh nya? sampai ketemu di plajaran selanjut nya.

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