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Invitation letter definition and example

 Well hello, learners on this occasion we would learn deeply about the Invitation letter, what an invitation letter is, the kind of invitation, and the structure of it.



1 ) What is the invitation letter.?

the invitation letter is a request or invitation to someone or somebody in the form of a letter that aims to invite the reader to attend into an event or party formally and informally .invitation letter is often used for weeding, ceremony, retirement, graduation, birthday, party, etc 

2 ) Kind of invitation letter

  • Formal invitation letter 
 This type of invitation letter is an invitation letter in an official context and has a standard format that we must use when making a formal invitation letter, there are some examples of formal invitation letter such as wedding invitation, graduation invitation, and many other types of the official invitation.

  • Informal invitation letter 
 Unlike the formal invitation letter that used in a formal or official context and this type of invitation letter usually delivered only via short message or memo to the recipient, there are some examples of informal invitation letter such us, party invitation, birthday invitation, a dinner invitation, etc

3 ) The structure of the invitation letter

  • Receiver/To The person that invited
  • Body of content 
 - Subject: What event is
 - Day, date, and time: When the event held
 - Place: Where the event held
 - Sender/from: The person who sent the invitation 

4 ) The example of an invitation letter

  •  The example of a formal invitation letter

Meeting Invitation

Student's organization
SMA Mawar 2
Jl. Imam Bonjol no.2

Dear Doni
We invite you to attend our meeting that will be held 

Day/date: Friday 3rd of march 2017
Time: 09.00 am
Place: At Sma Mawar 2

The meeting will mostly discuss speech competition 
Please come on time, and see you there

The Chief of 9b 

  • The example of an informal invitation letter

Birthday invitation letter 

To: Agus

in this nice occasion, I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party and it will be held

Day/date: Monday 6th of July 2018
Time: 08.00 pm
Place: Haris Hotel

I hope you are able to come to my party see you there

Your best friend 

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