Label 1

Past Continuous Pengertian dan Penjelasan Lengkap

 Well hello learners pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai Past Continuous, mulai dari fungsi Past Continuous, rumus Past Continuous dan juga contoh Past Continuous serta soal latihan Past Continuous dengan lengkap

Past Continuous

Past Continuous

1 ) Fungsi Past Continuous

  • Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau ( ketika kejadian lain terjadi )
contoh : I was having lunch when my father came
              When we studied tomi was playing kite 
              At 9 o'clock last night I was driving my new car
              Last year at this time, he was visiting his niece

2 ) Rumus Past Continuous

+ ) S +  was/were + Ving + O + Adv
- ) S + was/were + not + Ving O + Adv
? ) was/were + S + Ving O + Adv
-? ) was/were + not + S + Ving O + Adv

contoh : She was washing her clothes when her mother called her
              She was not washing her clothes when her mother called her
              Was She washing her clothes when her mother called her?
              Was not She washing her clothes when her mother called her?

              Raka was going to the book store at 8 o'clock this morning
              Raka was not going to the book store at 8 o'clock this morning
              Was Raka going to the book store at 8 o'clock this morning?
              Was Raka going to the book store at 8 o'clock this morning?

3 ) Time Signal Past Continuous

  • All-day before yesterday
  • The whole day yesterday
  • At 8 o'clock last month
  • At the same time 2 days ago
  • At this time yesterday
  • At 9 o'clock last night
  • Last year at this time

4 ) Soal Latihan Past Continuous

  •    Chose The Correct word!

1 ) They (was/were) boiling water at 6 pm 3 months ago
2 ) She (was/were) cutting the paper at this time yesterday
3 ) I (was/were) standing at the door when the disaster happened
4 ) Raka (was/were) learning English when Roni went to the Jogja
5 ) Raka and Roni (was/were) Riding their new bike when Sarah sent the money
6 ) They (was/were) playing game (everyday/yesterday at 7 pm)
7 ) The minister (was/were) discussing the new rule ( just now/at this time yesterday )
8 ) The new student (was/were)  fighting ( tomorrow/at 9 am last Sunday)
9 ) The carpenter (was/were) making a new table ( today/at the same time 2 days ago )
10 ) The dustmen (was/were) picking the bottle (2 days later at 8 am/at the street at 7 pm last week )

  •    Translate These Sentences!

1 ) Ayah dia laki-laki sedang menunggu sebuah bus ketika kecelakaan itu terjadi
2 ) Mereka sedang menciptakan sebuah produk baru pada jam 2 siang kemarin
3 ) Pemahat itu sedang memahat sebuah patung yang terbuat dari kayu jam 4 sore 2 hari yang lalu
4 ) Pada jam 5 kemarin sore kami sedang melaksanakan ujian
5 ) Pada jam 9 bulan lalu Raka sedang mengunjungi ibu nya ketika di Newyork
6 ) Saya sedang tidur ketika Raka ke rumah ku kemarin malam
7 ) 7 tahun yang lalu pada waktu yang Raka sedang mengembangkan penemuan terbaru nya
8 ) Apakah kamu sedang membaca buku ketika listrik padam tadi malam?
9 ) Apakah Dono sedang mengikuti lomba ketika ibu nya di rumah sakit?
10 ) Ketika Raka sedang menjemput adik nya saya berada di rumah nya.

Baca Juga

Nah bagaimana learners apakah sudah mengerti fungsi beserta contoh dari Past Continuous? sampai jumpa di pelajaran selanjut nya.

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