Label 1

Simple Past Pengertian dan Penjelasan Lengkap

  Well hello learners pada kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai  Simple Past. Fungsi Simple Past, rumus Simple Past beserta contoh Simple Past, beserta soal latihan Simple Past dengan lengkap.

Simple Past

Simple Past

1 ) Fungsi Simple Past

  • Untuk menyatakan kejadian masa lampau 
contoh : They built a new house near my house last month
                She washed her clothes yesterday
                We played football at Gelora Bung Karno last night
                Raka met his best friend 2 years ago
  • Untuk menyatakan kebiasaan di masa lampau
contoh : When I was a child my mother would sing a song at night before going to bed
              He used to study Arabic in the morning
              They were at the hospital 2 weeks ago
              She was at her home when I came to her house

note:  Would ( biasanya ) 
           Used to ( terbiasa )

2 ) Rumus Simple Past verbal

+ ) S + V2 + O + Adv
- ) S + Did + Not + V1 + O + Adv
? ) Did + S + V1 + O + Adv?
-? ) Did + Not + S + V1 + O + Adv?  

contoh : He Did his homework last night  
               He Did not do his homework last night
               Did he do his homework last night?        
               Did not he do his homework last night?   

             You Bought a new car yesterday
             You did not buy a new car yesterday
             Did You buy a new car yesterday?
             Did You not buy a new car yesterday?

3 ) Rumus Simple Past Nominal

+ ) S + was/were + Adv
- ) S + was/were + not + Adv
? ) was/were + S + Adv?
-? ) was/were + not + S + Adv?

contoh : She was at the hospital last month

                She was not at the hospital last month
                was she at the hospital last month? 
                was not she at the hospital last month?

              Raka and Roki were in front of the gate yesterday

              Raka and Roki were not in front of the gate yesterday
              were Raka and Roki in front of the gate yesterday?
              were not Raka and Roki in front of the gate yesterday?

4 ) Time Signal Simple Past

  • Once
  • This morning
  • Last night 
  • The other day
  • in 1980
  • Every day last summer
  • A few minutes ago
  • 2 days  before yesterday
  • 4 years ago
  • 3 hours ago
  • Last week
  • Yesterday
  • Last century
  • Last Wednesday

5 ) Latihan Soal Simple Past

Choose the correct word!

1 ) They (see/saw/seen) an accident at the end of October last year
2 ) I (do/did/done) the homework well last night
3 ) He (bring/brought/bringed) a cup of coffee for his father a few minutes ago
4 ) She (had/have/has) a big problem last month
5 ) We (decide/decided/deciding) to move from this beloved country last summer
6 ) Raka (don't/didn't) understand the new assignment well yesterday
7 ) Vino and Raka (eat/ate/eaten) a strange food last time
8 ) He (try/tried/trying) to do his best before the competition 1 month ago
9 ) She (leave/left/leaving) the class before submitting her task this morning
10 ) Raka (win/won/winning) math tournament 2 years ago
11 ) She (don't/didn't) (get/got/gotten) a good place when camping 4 days ago
12 ) We (don't/didn't) (hear/heard/hearing) a hot news this afternoon
13 ) He (don't/didn't) (pay/paid/paying) the bill at the restaurant yesterday
14 ) I (don't/didn't) (do/did/done) that yesterday
15 ) Raka (don't/didn't) (lend/lent/lending) me his novel 7 years ago
16 ) The stranger (meet/met/meeting) his beloved father last night
17 ) He (don't/didn't) (keep/kept/keeped) the secret  last week
18 ) Did Headmaster (ring/rang/rung) the bell last time?
19 ) Did the waitress (serve/served/serving) the main menu last night?
20 ) Did the lawyer (give/gave/given) fake news at the court last Sunday?

Translate these sentences!

1 ) saya melihat paman kamu kemarin
2 ) nelayan itu tenggelam 2 hari yang lalu
3 ) penjual daging itu membohongi ku seminggu yang lalu
4 ) saya tidak tahu masalah yang kamu hadapi satu tahun yang lalu
5 ) seniman itu melukis lukisan yang sangat bagus 2 bulan yang lalu
6 ) saya tidak mengerjakan tugas saya semester lalu
7 ) apakah kamu mengunjungi raka kemarin?
8 ) apakah tentara mencari anak nya tadi?
9 ) apakah ibuk rara memberi mu banyak uang kemarin?
10 ) bukan kah tugas yang di berikan bulan lalu sangat sulit?

Baca Juga

Nah bagaimana learners apakah sudah paham pengertian dan juga contoh-contoh Simple Past? sampai jumpa di pelajaran selanjut nya.

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