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Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions?

Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions? 

Women and men are commonly seen as having different strengths and weaknesses.

Is it right to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?

males or females profession


  I think the agreement above is quite right since we know that basically men and women have specific differences such as the characteristic, and their ability it's been a fate the man and woman have their own strength and weakness we can take some examples here.

 Most men can't do a certain profession such as beauty vlogger and nanny while most women can do both well, it needs a specific skill not only skill but also their feel and sensitivity

 For example, for men, society views that they must play the role of head of the family and breadwinner because men are considered to represent responsible masculinity, become the backbone, assertive, and authoritative. Meanwhile, for women, society views that they have to play a domestic role because they are considered to represent femininity which is always associated with caring for children, family, and home.

  Where there is a clear classification between “men's jobs” which are always considered to represent masculine characteristics because men are required to show their masculinity, and “women's jobs” which are always considered to represent femininity.

  In the context of paid work, for example, men are tolerated when choosing fields of engineering, machinery, mining, or other fieldwork that are considered very masculine. Meanwhile, women are more tolerated and expected to choose jobs that are feminine, such as secretary, typist, finance/banking, and administration. If the opposite happens, then both men and women will likely get questions from the public.

 Meanwhile, in the context of domestic work, men are usually also burdened with jobs that require energy or are considered dangerous, such as repairing leaky roofs, cutting trees, sawing, checking electrical circuits. Meanwhile, women are charged with more feminine jobs such as caring for, cooking, washing, and mopping 

 It's been a common thing in society, in my family my mother job is a tailor meanwhile my father is an architect. both of them have their strength and weakness my mother doesn't have a skill as an architect so does my father.


 Not a few professions that used to be specifically male areas began to be entered by women. But if you reverse it, there are still a few predominantly female professions that are popular with men. Here are some examples.

1. Nurse

The majority of activists in this profession are indeed women, to the point that there is a general opinion that working as a nurse is feminine. However, this does not mean that there is no such thing as a male nurse. In America itself, the nursing profession is slowly becoming more and more attractive to men — even though it's still below 10% —and they even earn higher salaries than female nurses.

Gender inequality in these female dominant professions is also not limited to salaries. A study also found that there are differences in the number of placement of female and male nurses in installations within the hospital.

2. Secretary

The job of a secretary or administrative assistant generally includes time management and administrative tasks. In general, this position is not a leadership position, has fixed hours, and has minimal career paths. At least according to, so far women are considered more concerned with family life than work, so they are suitable as secretaries.

Uniquely, the majority of secretaries and administrative workers in America a century ago were men. Now, not a few companies directly include women's gender preferences in job vacancies to fill secretarial positions.

3. Kindergarten teacher

If asked to imagine being a kindergarten teacher, chances are that what immediately comes to your mind is a woman with a patient and gentle character. This strong image causes a lack of male interest in this profession.

In America, about 97.5% of kindergarten or playgroup teachers are women. If you carefully read public opinion, even male kindergarten teachers tend to be viewed with suspicion.

4. Sales Promotion Personnel

  The majority of sales and marketing personnel are often encountered by women, to the point that they dominate one career path as an SPG (Sales Promotion Girl), although SPG can also be interpreted as a Sales Promotion Guy.

  There may be considerations for placing women or men as sales representatives depending on the type of product. Products targeting male consumer markets such as cars or cigarettes will usually place a Sales Promotion Girl.

 So the conclusion is both man and woman have been given by god their own portion whether it is a job or ability it is better to have a job that appropriates with their portion as their gender


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