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Past Future Perfect pengertian dan penjelasan lengkap

 Well hello learners pada kesempatan ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai  Past Future Perfect, mulai dari rumus Past Future Perfect, fungsi Past Future Perfect, time signal Past Future Perfect dan juga soal latihan Past Future Perfect secara lengkap

 Past Future Perfect

Past Future Perfect verbal dan nominal

  • Rumus Past Future Perfect Verbal

+ ) S + Would/Should + Have + v3 + O

- ) S + Would/Should + Not + Have + v3 + O

? ) Would/Should+ S + Have + v3 + O

? ) Would/Should not + S + Have + v3 + O

Contoh : +) I should have Looked After him by 08.00 pm yesterday

              - ) We should not have Spent our holiday by the end of October  last year

              ? ) Would He have finished his study in Egypt?

             -? ) Wouldn't Raka have submitted his new assignment by this week last month?

        +)   The Pick Pocket Would have Returned her money by this summer 2 years ago

        - )   The carpenter Would not have given his furniture by the end of last year

         ? )   Would the governor have fulfilled his promise by this week last month?

         -? ) Wouldn't you have passed your final exam?

  • Rumus Past Future Perfect Nominal

 +)  S + Would/Should + Have + been + Complement

 - ) S + Would/Should + Not + Have + been + Complement

  ? ) Would/Should+ S + Have + been + Complement?

 -? ) Would/Should not + S + Have been + Complement?

Contoh:  He Would have been there by this week last summer

               The boy Would have been in Paris for his new experiment by 8 am yesterday

               Would the beggar have been at the restaurant for begging by 2 am last night?

               Wouldn't the lawyer have been at the court to accept the demand by last year?

  • Fungsi Future Perfect

- Tenses ini juga biasa di ketahui sebagai unreal ( contrary to the fact ) dunia past
- Bermakna seharus nya atau akan untuk menyatakan penyesalan

Contoh : If I had studied hard, I would have past the test
               They would have got a lot of money if they had worked hard

- Bermakna "akan" dalam direct dan indirect speech
He said, " I would visit him " ( direct speech )
* He said that " He would have visited him " ( indirect speech )

-Bermakna "akan" dalam conditional sentence,
Contoh : If She had gone to Jakarta, I would have gone to Jogja 
               If He had come on time, I would have been happy

  • Time Signal Past Future Perfect

By  last week

By the end of November last year

By last summer

By the first of October last month

By last month


1 ) Would You (had/have/has) had dinner by the end of August last year?
2 ) Would She (had/have/has) been there?
3 ) Would Raka and Roki (had/have/has) been in Jakarta?
4 ) Would Doni and Dodi (had/have/has) bought a glass of milk By last summer?
5 ) If she (had/have/has) arrived, Doni would have (bring/brought) the novel
6 ) If I had (see/saw/seen) them, I would have been there
7 ) She said that " she would have (come, came) to my home with her beloved family "
8 ) Doni said that " he would have (give/gave/given) me a blank paper "
9 ) I would have (think/thought) about my future by the end of last summer
10 ) They would have (forgive, forgave, forgiven) the robber 

Translate these sentences

1 ) Jika Raka telah lulus dari sekolah nya, Raka pasti sudah mempunyai pekerjaan
2 ) Jika Raka sudah mengerjakan pr nya, Raka pasti sudah tahu jawaban nya
3 ) Saya pasti akan sedih, jika kakak saya belum menikah.

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