Label 1

Past future Continuous pengertian dan penjelasan lengkap


  Well hello learners pada kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai Past future Continuous mulai dari fungsi Past future Continuous, rumus Past future Continuous, contoh Past future Continuous, serta soal latihan Past future Continuous

Past Future Continuous

Past future Continuous pengertian dan penjelasan lengkap

1 ) Rumus Past future Continuous

+ ) S + Would/Should + be + + Complement

- ) S + Would/Should + not + be + + Complement

? )Would/Should + S + be + + Complement

-? ) Would/Should + not + S + be + + Complement

Contoh : + ) The societies would be resisting  the new president because of his new rules in June last year

               - ) The Lecturer would not be Valuing the new task at eight o'clock yesterday

              ? ) Would The hiker be hiking the highest mountain in the world in may last week?

              -? ) would not The robber be robbing her new jewelry at this time last night?


              + ) He would be putting off his sandals before entering the room at 2 o'clock yesterday

               - ) The pharmacist would not be giving me the best medicine at this time yesterday

              ? ) Would the governor be fulfilling his promise on Sunday last year?

             -? ) Wouldn't the participant be joining the next competition on Wednesday last year?

2 ) Fungsi Past future Continuous

  • Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan sedang di lakukan di masa lampau
Contoh: I should be paying my debt
                My leader would be offering me much money
                Raka would not be returning my stuff
               They would be going to Borobudur at this time 2 days ago

3 ) Time Signal Past future Continuous

  • at this time yesterday
  • in June 2 years ago
  • last month at 3 o'clock
  • last week at 5 am
  • etc


1 ) (is,will,would) He be driving his new car at this time 2 days ago?
2)  (is,will,would ) Doni be going to Jakarta now last night at 2 am?
3 ) would They be traveling ( in June 7 years ago/ next week ) 
4 ) would He be ( Drink/drunk/Drinking ) a glass of beer?
5 ) The beggar would be ( beg/begged/begging ) at the edge of the street 
6 ) The new student would be getting into trouble (at this time 2 days ago/ last night)
7 ) The puppy would be ( get/got/getting ) hungry
8 ) John would be picking up his mother in France (last time at 3 pm/on the 2nd of November) 
9 ) What  (will,would) Doni and Dodi be doing at the school at this time yesterday?
10 ) What  (will,would) Sinta be cooking at the hotel last month at 3 o'clock yesterday?

Translate these sentences

11 ) Mereka akan bermain catur di halaman depan kemarin sore
12 ) Saya tidak akan menonton  ini di rumah paman ku kemarin pagi
13 ) Salsa akan menjemput ayah angkat nya bulan lalu pada hari senin
14 ) Dokter gigi itu akan memeriksa gigi sepupu saya kemarin malam
15 ) Apakah para nelayan akan memancing ikan di pantai dekat rumah mu minggu lalu pada jam 4 sore?

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Nah bagaimana learners apakah sudah mengerti fungsi dari  Past future Continuous?

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