Label 1

Simple Past Future pengertian dan penjelasan lengkap

Well hello learners pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai PAST FUTURE , mulai dari fungsi PAST FUTURE, rumus PAST FUTURE, contoh PAST FUTURE serta soal latihan PAST FUTURE secara lengkap



  • Rumus Past Future Verbal

+ ) S + Would/Should + V1 + Complement

- ) S + Would/Should + not + V1 + Complement

? ) Would/Should + S + V1 + Complement

-? ) Would/Should + not + S + V1 + Complement

Contoh : + ) The societies would resist the new minister because of his new rules

               - ) The Lecturer would not Value the new task 

              ? ) Would The hiker hike the highest mountain in the world?

              -? ) would not The robber rob her new jewelry?


         + ) He would put off his sandals before entering the room

         - ) The pharmacist would give me the best medicine

         ? ) Would the governor fulfill his promise?

        -? ) Wouldn't the participant join the next competition?

  • Rumus Past Future Nominal

+ ) S + Would/Should + be + Complement

- ) S + Would/Should + not + be + Complement

? ) Would/Should + S + be + Complement

-? ) Would/Should + not + S + be + Complement

Contoh : + ) Ken would be here

              - ) Roy would not be ready

              ? ) would the football player be on time?

             -? ) would the employee be there soon?

  • Fungsi Past Future 

  •  Tenses ini juga biasa di ketahui sebagai unreal ( contrary to the fact ) 
  • Bermakna seharus nya atau akan untuk menyatakan aktifitas yang gagal ( suatu kegiatan yang di lakukan di dunia lampau namun gagal di lakukan ) 
Contoh : She would attend the meeting, but she was sick at the time
               There was a chance that i would come on time
               I should do my task 
               They would be the winner at the competition

  •  Bermakna akan dalam direct dan indirect speech
He said, " I will visit him " ( direct speech )
* He said that " He would visit him " ( indirect speech )

  • Bermakna "akan" dalam conditional sentence,
Contoh : If She went to Jakarta, I would go to Jogja 
               If He came on time, I would be happy


1 ) They ( will/would ) have an exam last week, but fortunately the teacher didn't come

2 ) We would ( have/be/are ) there

3 ) Would She ( has/be/is  ) at home?

4 ) ( is,would,are ) You be smart enough to solve that problem?

5 ) I said that " I ( shall/should ) accompany them "

6 ) If I were there " she ( will/would ) finish her task 

7 ) She would always ( cry/cries/crys ) at night if she didn't get her term paper

8 ) The Fly  would ( fly/flies/flys ) through the window

9 ) If she ( were,would,was ) be here I would be more spirit

10 ) If Raka ( were,would,was ) be here I would ( treat him/ happy )

Translate these sentences

11 ) Jika Raka mempunya uang yang banyak Raka akan mengunjungi ibu nya  

12 ) Mereka seharus nya mengerjakan tugas mereka segera

13 ) Dia perempuan akan selalu menikmati sarapan nya Jika ayah nya di sini

14 ) Pengacara itu akan selalu bertanya kepada ayah ku tentang kejadian itu jika ayah ku pulang

15 ) Saya akan jarang mengendarai sepeda motor jika saya mempunyai mobil

               Baca Juga

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