Label 1

Inversion pengertian dan penjelasan lengkap

Well hello learners pada kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam apa itu INVERSION mulai dari pengertian jenis-jenis nya beserta contoh nya secara lengkap

 Apa itu Inversion? 

Apa itu Inversion?

Inversion adalah pola kalimat yang verb nya medahului subject. Fungsi inversion adalah untuk penekanan (emphasis)' makna dan juga untuk membentuk kalimat tanya.Inversion tersebut terdapat pada kalimat berikut:

1. Ketika dalam kalimat tanya (question):
a. Yes/No Question, seperti:
* Do you love me?
 * Are you studying?

b. Informative Question, seperti:
* What are you doing?
* Where have you been?

2. Modal 'wishes,may' seperti:
* May God bless you!
* May you live a long and happy life!

3. Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali oleh expletive there' (yang bermakna "ada'/'exist'), seperti:
* There is no basis for this complaint.
* There are few excuses that teachers will accept.

4. Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali oleh prepositional phrase yang menunjukkan tempat (place) dan main verb-nya berupa intransitive
verb (Vi), seperti:

* On the corner stood a police officer.
(asalnya → A police officer stood on the corner.)
* In the box were several old photographs.
(asalnya > Several old photographs were in the box.)

5. Dalam conditional sentence (type 2* dan 3) tanpa if atau unless. Type 1 juga bisa dengan syarat if clause-nya menggunakan modal auxiliary verb berupa 'should', seperti:

* If he asked her, she would surely help him.
→ Were he to ask her, she would surely help him.
→ Should he ask her, she would surely help him.
Type 2
(Verbal Active)

*If I were a president, I would build many schools in a rural area.
→ Were I a president, I would build many schools in a rural area.
Type 2

* If he had known, he would have come. ?
→ Had he known, he would have come.
Type 3
(verbal Active)

*If he should ask her, she will surely help him. ?
→ Should he ask her, she will surely help him. 
Type 1
(Verbal Active)

*Note: Untuk type 2 ketika diinversi, menggunakan 'were' atau

6. Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali dengan 'negative word' atau expression yang mengandung makna negative seperti never, hardly, seldom, rarely, barely, scarcely, not only, at no time, nowhere,
dan lain-lain, seperti:

* Not only did they go but they also stayed until the end.
* Never has the world faced so many problems.
* At no time were the passengers in any danger.

7. Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali oleh kata 'only' + time expression, maka subject dan verb diinversi. 'Only' + time expression seperti
only now, only once, only then, only before, only after, only for + time, only at + time, ... dan lain-lain, seperti:

* Only once was John late to class.
* Only after her mother died, did she know loneliness.

8. Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali oleh adverb seperti down, in, out, up, dan subject-nya berupa noun (noun phrase), maka kalimat tersebut diinversi, seperti:

* Down comes the train. (Asalnya → The train comes down.)
* So In walked the doctor with his bag in hand.(Asalnya → The doctor walked in with his bag in hand.)

9. Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali oleh so, little dan kata-kata tersebut
tidak menjelaskan noun, seperti:

* Little did she know that she had won the grand prize.
* So great was her love for her children that she sacrificed everything for them.

10. Ketika kalimat passive terjadi 'split' dan main verb (3) nya
terletak diawal kalimat, seperti:

* Held as hostages were several reporters. (Asalnya → Several reporters were held as hostages).
* Discovered at the bottom of the well were two small children.(Asalnya → Two small children were discovered at the bottom of the well).

11.Pada comparison degree.
a. Positive degree, seperti:
* He looks as diligent as does his friend. (Asalnya → He looks as diligent as his friend [does]).
* He is as clever as is his friend. (Asalnya → He is as clever as his friend [is]).

b. Comparative degree, seperti:
*She is smarter than is her brother. (Asalnya → She is smarter than her brother [is]).
*He looks more diligent than does his friend. (Asalnya → He looks more diligent than his friend [does]).
*She ran faster than did the old car. (Asalnya → She ran faster than the old car [did]).

12.Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali oleh 'so' ellipsis, seperti:
* She is a Locus' student, and so am I. (Asalnya → She is a Locus' student, and I am too).
* He has a good dictionary, and so do I (Asalnya →  He has a good dictionary, and I do too).

Note: Elliptical form dari neither' masuk poin nomer 6, contohnya
* She is not a Locus' student, and neither am I (Asalnya → She is not a Locus' student, and I am not either)
* He doesn't have a good dictionary, and neither do nor do I
(Asalnya → He doesn't have a good dictionary, and I do not either),

13.Dalam reported speech, dengan syarat subject pada main clause harus berupa noun (noun phrase) dan verb pada main clause tidak diikuti oleh direct object (object langsung), seperti:

* I will visit you tonight", said Jack. (= Jack said, "I will visit you tonight"),
* "Open the door!', asked my friend. (=My friend asked, 'Open the door!').

14.Pada kalimat nominal yang subjective complement nya berupa adjective, seperti:
* Beautiful is my girlfriend (→ My girlfriend is beautiful).
* Clear was her problem. (→ Her problem was clear),

15.Ketika sebuah kalimat diawali oleh kata 'there' atau 'here' dan verb-nya berupa 'be', 'go' dan 'come' serta subject nya berupa noun (noun phrase), seperti:
* There comes the bus!
* Here's Tom!
* There's Annie!
* There goes our bus!

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