Label 1

Gerund Pengertian dan Penjelasan Lengkap beserta artinya

 Gerund Pengertian dan Penjelasan Lengkap beserta artinya 


Gerund adalah kata kerja yang dibendakan secara structure bukan secara materi. Gerund juga bisa didefinisikan sebagai kata kerja yang difungsikan sebagai noun (sehingga gerund tetap berhak
memiliki karakter verb; yakni memiliki object dan adverb).

V1 + ing

Note: Semua Bare Infinitive (V1) bisa di-gerund-kan.

Gerund Phrase (GP):

Adj. + Gerund + 0 + Adverb

* Thanks for visiting me at my home!
* Thanks for helping me!
* Does my smoking annoy you?
* John's going to sleep during the wedding was rather embarrassing.
* She was angry at Lina's trying to lie to her.
* I don't mind your going without me.
* I hate all this useless arguing.
* Watering the plants every day is my duty.
* Thank you for waiting. (Thank you for your waiting [SALAH]).
* The smoking of cigarettes. (The smoking cigarettes (SALAH]).

Kinds of Gerund

Gerund yang berkarakter Noun.


* Pembelian : The buying of
* Pembacaan : The reading of
* Pembelajaran : The studying of

Gerund yang berkarakter Verb.


* Membeli : Buying

* Membaca : Reading

* Belajar : Studying


* Pembelian rumah itu memerlukan banyak uang.

→ The buying of the house needs a lot of money.

* Membeli rumah itu membutuhkan banyak uang.

→ Buying the house needs a lot of money.

* Pembacaan puisi itu telah dilakukan.

→ The reading of the poem has been done.

* Membaca buku itu penting.

→ Reading the book is important.


Gerund yang berkarakter Noun berhak memiliki karakter yang dimiliki oleh noun, seperti disifati oleh adjective maupun noun. dan biasanja gerund yang berkarakter noun ini ketika diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia berawalan 'ke', 'pe' dan berakhiran 'an'.

Gerund yang berkarakter Verb juga berhak memiliki karakter yang dimiliki oleh verb, seperti memiliki subject, object maupun Subject dari gerund dalam bentuk possessive, sedangkan object dan adverb-nya sama dengan object dan adverb yang terdapat pada verb.

You visit me at my home every day. (Verb)

( Your visiting me at my home every day ) (Gerund)

Jack works hard. (Verb)

( Jack's working hard ) (Gerund)



Gerund bisa diganti dengan To infinitive.

a. Subject of the verb

Healing your voice makes me confused.

( To hear your voice makes me confused )

Smoking is bad for you.

( To Smoke is bad for you )

Running in the morning is good for our healthy

( To run in the morning is good for our healthy )

Running in the morning makes our body healthy.

( To run in the morning makes our body healthy )

Being patient is a character that teachers should have.

( To be patient is a character that teachers should have )

b. Subject after it / anticipatory it.

It is nice being with you.

( It is nice to be with you )

It is easier reading French than speaking it.

( It is easier to read French than to speak it )

It's very embarrassing not remembering your name.

( It's very embarrassing not to remember your name )

It's been a pleasure meeting you.

( It's been a pleasure to meet you )

It's no use (no good) crying over spilled milk.

( It's no use (no good) to cry over spilled milk )

2. Sebagai Subjective Complement.

Terdapat pada kalimat nominal.

Gerund bisa diganti dengan To infinitive


My job is teaching English.

→ My job is to teach English.

My purpose in Pare is studying English.

→ My purpose in Pare is to study English.

My favorite activity is reading.

→ My favorite activity is to read.

My responsibility is teaching you.

→ My responsibility is to teach you.

3. Sebagai Object of Verb.

Gerund terletak setelah Certain Verb (CV).


S + CV + Gerund.

a. CV + Gerund.

Certain Verb           Meaning                 Example

Acknowledge          > Mengakui           > He acknowledged being ignorant of the class.

Admit                     > Mengakui            > He admitted stealing the money.

Advise                    >Menasehati            > She advised waiting until tomorrow,

Advocate                >Menganjurkan      > He advocated bringing legal action.

Anticipate               > Mengantisipasi    > anticipate having a good time on

Appreciate              > Menghargai         > I appreciated meaning from them.

 Avoid                      > Menghindari       > He avoided answering my question

 Complete                >  Merampungkan >  I finally completed writing my term paper.

Confess                   >    Mengakui         > He confessed doing several crimes.

Consider                 > Mempertimbangkan >   I will consider going with you.

Contemplate            >Merenungkan        >  I have contemplated retiring to Arizona

Deter                      >   Menunda             >  We deferred our going

Delay                     >Menunda                 > He delayed leaving for school

Deny                      > Menyangkal            > She denied committing the crime.

Detest                     > Benci                     > I detest working

Discuss                 >  Diskusi                  > They discussed opening a new business.

Encourage            > Menganjurkan        > Who encouraged his taking drugs?

Enjoy                    > Menikmati               > We enjoyed visiting them.

Entail                    >  Memerlukan         > It entails moving to another city

Escape                  > Melepaskan diri    > He narrowly escaped drowning,

Evade                      > Mengelak           >They evade paying taxes by subterfuge

Excuse                    > Memaafkan         > Please excuse my disturbing you!

Fancy                   > Membayangkan      > I fancy meeting you here.

Finish                     > Menyelesaikan    > She finished studying at about ten.

Forget                  > Lupa                       > I never forget visiting Napoleon's tomb.

Forgive                  > Memaafkan          > Please forgive my disturbing you!

Give up                  > berhenti                > I gave up smoking when I was a young man 

Can't help             >  Menahan diri       > I can't help worrying about it.

Imagine                 > Membayangkan    > I can't imagine going to the party without an invitation

Keep                     > Menyimpan           > keep hoping he will come

Dislike                  > Tidak menyukai   > I dislike ting long distances,

Mean                    > Berarti                  > Waiting longer means over the link

Mention                > Menyebutkan       > She mentioned going to a more

Mind                    > Keberatan              > Would you mind helping me with this

 Miss                    > Luput                     > I miss being with my family

Necessitate          > Mengharuskan       > The promotion would necessitate living abroad

Pardon                 > Memaafkan            > Please pardon my disturbing you

Postpone              > Menunda                > Let's postpone leaving until  tomorrow

Practice                > Melatih                  > The athlete practice throwing the tail

Prevent                > Mencegah              > You cannot present they're getting married

Put off                  > Menunda              > I have put off  writing 

Quit                     > Berhenti                >  He quit trying to solve the problem

Recall                  > Mengingat             > I don't recall meeting this visitor

Recollect             > Mengingat kembali >  I don't recollect meeting in this place

Recommend        > Menasehatkan         > She recommended seeing the show

Regret                  > Menyesal                > I regret telling him my secret

Relish                  >  Menikmati             > I don't relish confronting him

Remember          > Ingat                          > I can remember meeting them

Report                 > Melaporkan             > Several people reported having seen the stolen cart

Resent                > Menyesali                > I resent interfering in my business

Resist                  > Menentang             > I couldn't resist eating the dessert

Risk                    > Mengambil resiko  > She risks losing all of the money

Repent                > Menyesali               > He repented heving stollen the car

Sanction             > Menyetujui              > No one sanctioned his smoking.

Shrink                  > Mengelak                > No one should shrink dong her/his duty

Can't stand         >Tidak tahan               > She can't stand waiting


Soal latihan gerund

1 ) Menonton tv adalah hoby ku

2 ) Raka telah berhenti mengkonsumsi obat-obat terlarang

3 ) Pencuri itu mengaku mencuri perhiasan perempuan tua itu

4 ) Apakah kamu telah selesai mengerjakan pr mu?

5 ) Saya tidak tahan untuk bermain ps 5

6 ) President menunda pergi ke monaco

7 ) Menunggu mu itu melelahkan

8 ) Tertawa itu menyehatkan

9 ) Saya tidak menyesal hadir di acara ini

10 ) apakah menulis novel pekerjaan mu? 

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