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Tips to make our day more productive

 7 tips that can make our day more productive

Do you often feel discouraged about your days? It could be because something went wrong when you started the day. One of them is a habit in the morning. Morning time is the first step to starting everything every day. Therefore, it is important to maximize morning time. Because mostly in the morning positive energy will certainly make the day more productive until the end of the day. It's different if you start the morning half-heartedly. Lazy, lackluster, and others can certainly be very detrimental to yourself. Are you curious about how to maximize your morning time to be more productive? Here are tips for going through the day to be more productive. 


1. Don't Sleep Too Late 

  Want to make your day more productive? Don't stay up late and leave the habit. Sleeping early and don't sleep too late is a surefire step to start the day. Because when someone sleeps too late and has to get up early, the body will lack sufficient rest time. As a result, it makes the body look sluggish, lacking in focus, and irritability which can have a negative impact on work or activities as a whole. Better to finish the task and don't procrastinate. It would be better if the night is used to rest the body. Give at least 6 hours for your body to rest and recover completely. That way, morning time will be more productive and stay prime throughout the day.  


2. Create a Fixed Wake Up Schedule  

Usually, at work, some people almost have a little night's rest. However, on weekends, then they "take revenge" and finally wake up later than usual. If it is done once or twice, of course, there is nothing wrong. However, if done continuously, of course this can have a negative impact on health. For that, make a schedule for sleeping and waking up regularly or the same every morning. Then stick to the schedule. Even though you are on holiday, 

try to get up early as usual. After all, there is nothing wrong with getting up early, it will train the body to comply with its schedule. By getting up in the morning, will make the time spent more productive. 


3. Do not be lazy to exercise 

 If you want to get refreshed in the morning and have a more productive day, exercise can be a solution. Because when you exercise, the body will move and this is great for increasing blood circulation and making the body fresher as well as increasing concentration. For that, make it a habit to exercise in the morning before doing activities. You can run or just stretch your body muscles. If not every day, at least 3 or 4 times a week.  


4. Do not Forget to have Breakfast. 

 Never leave breakfast if you want to start the day. Instead of making the morning more excited, this actually makes the body more sluggish and powerless which ultimately hampers productivity. Therefore, don't forget to eat breakfast. However, choose a nutritious breakfast, don't just be full. This is important so that you are more energetic, not sleepy because of being full. Choose breakfast with the right and balanced nutritional composition, which contains protein and fiber.  


5. Prioritize Important Work or Tasks 

 When you have arrived at work, some people actually choose to do things that are less important which actually hinders work productivity. Instead, look at the mandatory agenda for the day then choose an important job and make it a priority. That way, time will be more effective and work will be maximized.  


6. Optimize Morning Time In the morning, 

 energy is generally still in maximum condition and usually, the mind is not easily distracted. Therefore, do everything with enthusiasm and prioritize hard work. That way, by late afternoon, the work was running low. This will give you more time to do work light, but no less important. So, do a lot of things in the morning.  

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7. Make the Workplace as Comfortable as Possible 

 Feeling comfortable at work is one of the main keys to productivity at work. It may be quite difficult to get a sense of comfort that is in the shadow. However, you can create comfort at work so that your activities in the office are more productive and conducive. For example, building relationships or good relations with colleagues and superiors. It can also make the workplace more relaxed, but still professional. Or other ways to make the workplace more comfortable. The Spirit of Live the Morning and Increase Productivity Throughout the Day When you want maximum productivity throughout the day, start the morning with positive activities. Do activities that will make the morning more excited. That way, you can spend the day more fun and have high productivity. 

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So, do you want to make your morning more productive? Let's try those tips above 

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