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The Benefits of Aloe Vera

The Benefits of Aloe Vera for the Skin

Many body care products use aloe vera extract or aloe vera as the main ingredient. This is because these tropical plants have a myriad of benefits for the skin. Interestingly, the benefits of aloe vera for the skin can be obtained both from outside and from within by consuming it. By utilizing aloe vera, you can keep your skin well moisturized and hydrated. Then, what are the benefits of aloe vera that you can get? Find the full answer in this article.

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This is where the benefits of Aloe Vera come from

Naturally, aloe vera or aloe vera has many benefits for the body. Because this plant is rich in vitamins and various good minerals that are important for the body. Here are some of the aloe vera content which makes it very beneficial, especially for the health of the body and skin.

Vitamin B: Aloe vera contains B vitamins which are useful for relieving pain in the nerves and muscles.

Vitamin B12: Aloe vera is high in vitamin B12. Whereas in general, this type of vitamin is only found in animal food ingredients.

Vitamin E: This content makes aloe vera good for increasing skin immunity and reproduction.

Folic acid: Aloe vera is suitable for consumption by pregnant women because it contains folic acid which contains many nutrients for both mother and fetus.

Minerals: Aloe vera contains fairly complete minerals, such as calcium, sodium, magnesium, chromium, selenium, zinc, and potassium manganese.

Antioxidants: The antioxidants in aloe vera are high. This allows aloe vera to protect the skin from UV rays.

Anti-inflammatory: An enzyme in aloe vera called Bradykinase acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. The anti-inflammatory function in aloe vera is further strengthened by its content of fatty acids, salicylic acid, and auxin and gibberellin hormones.

The Benefits of aloe vera

In general, the fact that aloe vera is good for the skin is probably well known. However, not many really understand the various benefits that this tropical plant actually offers. If you regularly use aloe vera, here are the many benefits you can get:

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1. Prevent Signs of Aging

As you get older, fine lines and wrinkles will appear more easily. This is also due to the condition of the skin which begins to lose moisture and elasticity. However, you can prevent signs of aging early on by using aloe vera. Aloe vera's ability to moisturize and help remove dead skin cells is believed to prevent signs of aging.

2. Wound Healer

Aloe vera is popularly used as a natural remedy to aid in healing wounds, such as scratches and burns. The antimicrobial properties of aloe vera make it effective for cleaning and reducing the risk of wound infection. That is why aloe vera is also popularly used to help heal sunburns.

3. Effectively moisturizes the skin

Tending to grow in tropical climates, aloe vera leaves have the ability to store large amounts of water from drying out. That is why aloe vera can thrive even in environments that have intense heat. Thanks to this ability, the gel contained in aloe vera leaves are often used as a basis for pharmaceutical products because it can moisturize and hydrate the skin.

4. Soothes and Hydrates the Skin

Many people forget that the skin is an organ that plays a very important role in ensuring that no foreign toxins, chemicals, germs, or contaminants enter the body. Just because there are no open sores, doesn't mean your skin doesn't need protection. In order to carry out its protective function perfectly, you must always maintain the condition of your skin, including so that it is not tense and well hydrated. This is because dry skin is more prone to irritation and can cause rashes or tearing sores. By using an aloe vera based product, you can ensure that your skin stays hydrated and clean at all times.

5. Reduces Stretch Marks

When the skin starts to loosen or stretch, such as during pregnancy or due to rapid weight gain, it becomes less elastic. This results in wrinkles or stretch marks which are known as stretch marks. This can be overcome by using aloe vera based soap every day.

6. Reducing inflammation or inflammation

One of the causes of inflammation is oxidative damage, which is caused by free radicals in the body damaging the cells in them. The antioxidants present in aloe vera scavenge free radicals and help combat this inflammation. To do this, you can consume aloe vera juice or apply aloe vera gel on the affected area of ​​the skin.

7. Reducing Dandruff

Not only is it useful for treating body skin, aloe vera can also protect the scalp. This is because aloe vera works very well to treat dandruff and itchy scalp problems. Dandruff can be caused by various things, such as an oily scalp, accumulation of dead cells, or even an infection on the head. In this case, aloe vera can help remove dead cells from the scalp. In addition, the antimicrobial properties in aloe vera fight infection and soothe the scalp.

8. Natural Detoxification Media

Without realizing it, there are so many toxins and harmful substances that exist in the human body. These toxic substances can enter the body through various things, especially due to contamination with the surrounding environment. Exposure to dirty air, for example, causes a lot of dust, dirt, sebum, and polluting particles to stick to the skin. If not cleaned, the dirt that invites a lot of germs can cause various kinds of diseases. As a natural detoxification medium, the use of aloe vera is useful for removing and cleaning these toxins.

 Judging from the various benefits of aloe vera, there is nothing wrong with applying the use of aloe vera in everyday life. To make it easier for you to get the benefits of aloe vera, Lifebuoy presents Lifebuoy Matcha and Aloe Vera soap products. This antibacterial soap is designed to be effective against germs up to 10x better than regular soap. This means that Lifebuoy Matcha and Aloe Vera soap can fight skin health problems such as itching or redness. Are you ready to detoxify the germs on your skin by taking advantage of the benefits of aloe vera?


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