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Asking and Offering Help

 Asking and Offering Help


Offering help is a way and expression to suggest or offer help to someone who needs it. The purpose is to offer assistance. There are two kinds of offers: formal offers and informal offers.

 Offering help adalah cara dan ekspresi untuk menyarankan atau menawarkan bantuan kepada seseorang yang membutuhkannya. Tujuannya adalah untuk menawarkan bantuan. Ada dua jenis Offering help : Offering help formal dan Offering help informal.

• Formal offers are used when you talk to someone who is older or

whose position is higher than you.

• Informal offers are used when you talk to someone close to you.

Example of offering help :

Formal :

  • May I help you?
  • May I be of assistance?
  • Would you like/need any help?
  • Is there anything I can do for you?

Contoh Conversation Asking and Offering help

Conversation 1:

Guest: Good morning.

(Selamat Pagi)

Me: Hello good morning to our office.

(Halo selamat pagi ke kantor kami)

Guest : I want to send this package.

(Saya ingin mengirim paket ini)

Me : Please fill this form.

(Mohon isi formulir ini)

Guest : Okey, I will fill it.

(Oke, saya akan mengisinya)

Me: It looks like that you are a bit confused. May I help you?

(Sepertinya Anda agak bingung. Dapatkah saya membantu Anda ?)

Guest: Yes, please. I am glad that you can help me.

(Iya silahkan. Saya senang anda dapat membantu saya)

Me : What can I do for you sir ?

(Apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk Anda Pak?)

Guest: I do not know how to fill this part.

(Saya tidak tahu bagaimana mengisinya)

Me : What part is it ?

(Bagian Apa itu?)

Guest: Here it is.

(Yang ini)

Me: Let me see, hmm,, the first you must fill headdress 1 with your full

address. Then for address 2, you must fill it with the recipient address.

Could you do it, sir?

(Coba saya lihat, hmm ,, yang pertama kamu harus isi alamat dia 1

dengan alamat lengkap kamu. Kemudian untuk alamat 2 anda harus

mengisinya dengan alamat penerima. Bisakah Anda melakukannya Pak?)

Guest : Yes I think I can do that. But how to fill this package type ?

(Ya, saya rasa saya bisa melakukan itu. Tapi bagaimana cara mengisi tipe

paket ini?)

Me: For filling the package type, you must fill it with the kind of

package that you will deliver. What package will you ship sir?

(Untuk mengisi jenis paket harus diisi dengan jenis paket yang akan anda

kirimkan. Paket apa yang akan Anda kirimkan, Pak?)

Guest: I want to send this phone to my mother.

(Saya ingin mengirim hp ini ke ibu saya)

Me: I see, then you should choose the electronic type sir.

(Begitu, maka Anda harus memilih tipe elektronik Pak)

Guest : Thank you for your assistance.

(Terima kasih atas bantuannya)

Me: You are welcome sir. Please fill this form and give it to the front


(Sama-sama Pak. Silakan isi formulir ini dan serahkan ke front office)

Guest : Sure,


Informal :

  • Can I help you ?
  • Do you need any help ?
  • Let me help you
  • What can I do for you?
  • How can I help you?
  • What if I help you?

Conversation 3 

Nephew: What are you doing uncle?

(Apa yang sedang paman lakukan?)

Uncle: I am waiting for the taxi.

(Saya sedang menunggu taxi)

Nephew: By the way, What can I do for you uncle?

(Ngomong-ngomong, apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk paman ?)

Uncle: Please call the taxi.

(Silahkan hubungi taxi ya)

Nephew: Oke. I will call it for you. By the way, where do you want to go?

(Oke, aku akan panggilkan untukmu. Ngomong-ngomong mau kemana?)

Uncle: I will go to the office.

(Saya akan pergi ke kantor)

Nephew: Alhamdulillah, the taxi already arrived. Do you need any help again?

(Alhamdulillah, taxinya sudah tiba, apa butuh bantuan lagi?)

Uncle: Please help me to bring the bag into the car.

(Tolong bawakan tas ke dalam mobil)

Nephew: Oke uncle. Anything else?

(Oke paman, ada lagi ?)

Uncle: Nothing, thanks in advance.

(Sudah tidak ada, terimakasih ya)

Nephew : Don’t mention it. Take care uncle.

(Sama-sama, hati-hati paman)

Conversation 4

A : Assalamualaikum,

B : Waalaikumsalam. Any problem ?

(ada yang bisa dibantu?)

A: I am so sorry for disturbing you a moment. Can you help me to show the way to

Hermina hospital?

(maaf mengganggu waktunya sebentar, bisakah anda membantu saya untuk

menunjukkan jalan ke RS Hermina?)

B: Sure, I can help you. Where are you from? I think you are getting lost, aren’t you?

(Tentu, saya dapat membantunya. Asalnya dari mana? Saya rasa anda sedang

tersesat ya.)

A: Yup I am getting lost now. I am from Banten sir.

(Iyah saya sedang tersesat. Saya dari Banten pak)

B : Oke, from this way you just follow the high way when you find the intersection

you turn right around 2 km, after that you will see Hermina hospital on the left side.

(Ok dari sini anda hanya mengikuti jalan ketika anda menemukan peremapatan

anda belok kanan sekitar 2 km, setelah itu anda akan menemukan RS Hermina di

sebelah kiri jalan)

B : Oke, thank you very much sir.

(Oke, terimakasih banyak pak)

A : With my pleasure.


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