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TUGAS 2 UT 4330


My given name is William Dean Ritter. At home, they called me Billy, but most folks call me Montana. I suppose it’s because shortly after the war ended, my folks’ wagon train dropped them off near a huge patch of nothing called Bighorn Lake in Montana country. There’d been some sort of argument between the wagon master and my father about directions. The story goes, that they were on their way to Oregon but got a little off the trail. To this day, my father maintains it wasn’t his fault.

I was born and grew up on a small, bottom-land farm that bordered Bighorn Lake where the soil was rich and the winters were hard. We grew potatoes, wheat, and barley, but mostly potatoes. Seems they liked the moisture in our little valley

Nama panggilan saya adalah William Dean Ritter., di rumah mereka memanggil ku Billy, namun kebanyakan orang memanggilku fontana, saya pikir itu adalah nama yang tepat, dikarenakan setelah berakhir perang dunia ke 2, teman ku kereta wagon  menjatuhkan nya di sebuah area kosong yang luas tempat itu bernama danau Bighorn di negara Montana, telah ada beberapa pendapat mengenai arah antara pemilik wagon dan ayah saya, cerita berlanjut pada sat mereka dalam perjalanan ke Oregon namun sedikit melenceng, hingga hari ini ayah ku tetap bersikeras itu bukanlah kesalahan nya

aku ldilahirkan dan tumbuh besar di sebuah ladang perkebunan yang kecil nan pelosok yang berbatasan dengan danau Bighorn dimana tanah nya sangat subur dan musim dingin yang panjang, kami menanam kentang, gandum dan tanaman jelai, namun kebanyakan kentang. Sepertinya mereka cocok dengan kelembapan di lembah kecil kami

1.wagon train = a convoy or train of covered horse-drawn wagons, as used by pioneers or settlers in North America.
2. Huge patch of nothing = a large area that is empty and uninhabited
3. Bighorn Lake = a lake that located in Montana Country
4. Wagon master = The rider/owner of the wagon
5. Barley = (Hordeum vulgare), a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally

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