Label 1

The diffrence between Look and See

Look vs See 

The verbs "look" and "see" are both used to describe the act of using one's eyes to observe something. However, they are used slightly differently in English.

"Look" is used to describe the act of directing one's gaze or attention toward something, often with the intention of observing or examining it closely. For example:

Can you look at this picture and tell me what you see?

I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. I need to look at this report before our meeting.

"See" is used to describe the act of perceiving something through the use of one's eyes. It can be used to describe both things that are visible and things that are not visible, such as memories or future events. For example:

I see what you mean.

I can't believe it. I see my old house from when I was a child.

In summary, "look" describes the act of directing one's gaze toward something, while "see" describes the act of perceiving something through one's eyes.

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